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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Wed, Jun 2, 2021

2 Corinthians 4:7

We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:7 (NIV)

My parents often struggled to make ends meet, so everything they acquired carried extra value. When I hold items they cherished, I remember their hard work and their rare wisdom in valuing beauty as highly as practicality. Damaged, discarded items often ended up at our home, from scraps of carpeting to cracked flowerpots and scratched silver. Dad repaired with nails and glue, and Mom cleaned and scrubbed until each treasure shone as if it was new. Our home reflected culture and class on a repurposed shoestring.

While searching a cabinet for a serving platter, I stumbled across my mother's favorite bowl. The pressed glass could almost pass for crystal, and the chipped edges hardly showed. What's important is that it's able to hold the salad, for which it was intended, and do it with grace. Like many of Mom's heirlooms, its imperfections don't matter.

Like the bowl, I'm a vessel. Not for lettuce, but for Jesus. When the joy and love and life that Christ placed in me spills over my edges and slips through my cracks, that's good. And as I glance at friends during church this week, I ss scratched silver trays ready to serve others and mugs without handles eager to warm hearts and hands. i see candle stubs still glowing with faith and wobbly chairs offering rest to the weary. We're like the components of a cozy home, working in harmony despite our broken parts. Jesus has taken our cracks and shards, the parts life broke loose, and mended them so they're stronger than ever. And He cherishes us. That's very, very good. -Heidi Gaul-

Faith Step: Make a point to use on of the damaged items in your home. As you do, think about how much Jesus loves you, cracks and all. 

   Discussion: VESSEL FOR GOD

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