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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Feb 23, 2015


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from John 15:18-22, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, 1 Peter 2:9-11 and 2 Timothy 2:21-26. The topic was “Sanctified” with the following subtopics:


 “Not of the World”


Once you become a Christian no one wants to be around you. The world will hate you. On your Christian journey, you sometimes have to walk alone.  Everyone here at church, God has chosen you out of the world for a reason and a purpose. You are chose to be a light to the world. Get somewhere you can understand God’s word and learn God’s word. You cannot front with God. God will remove all confusion.  Repent and God will have mercy and grace. Be acceptable of God’s will to be able to make a change.


“Change by the Spirit”

The unrighteous cannot enter the Kingdom of God. God has a standard and He will not lower it. Make sure your ways are lined up with God. Don’t be fooled. The Bible is not designed to make you feel good but to act good. No fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate, abusers of themselves with mankind, thieves, covetous, drunkards, revilers, extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t let Satan tempt you and pull you into these sins. You have been washed, sanctified, and justified by Lord Jesus and spirit of God. Look into your life and see if God can use you for His purpose. Be blameless and try to be best you can be. You live in the world but are not of the world.


 “Chosen by God”


God brought you out of darkness and into the light. There is a battle between your flesh and the spirit. Overcome your weaknesses that will destroy you and make you miss the mark. Do what God tell you to do according to the spirit and his righteousness and not your righteousness.


To Be His Servant


Everybody that comes to church is not right with the Lord. You have a vessel of gold, silver, and wood. Which are you? Purge yourself of all sins and be a vessel of honor, sanctified, and master’s use. Run from lusts and follow righteousness. A servant of Lord does not cause confusion. Treat everybody equally. If you live as a Christian, you might change someone else life. When you stumble, you will cause many others to stumble. God will hold you accountable.


Please read the scriptures and be blessed!

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