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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Tue, Dec 27, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Mathew 1:18-25, Luke 2:8-20, and John 3:16-21.  The topic was “God’s Gift of Love” with the following subtopics:

 “Removing the Doubt”

Joseph was going to put Mary away secretly. He did not understand the Lord’s doing until the angel appeared to Him. The Lord sent the angel to tell Him that which she conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. Jesus came to save us from our sins. He came to earth through a woman’s womb. They will call Him Emmanuel which means God with Us. Do what the words of God tell you to do. And whatever you are doing that is against the Word of God; you should stop it. Trust, rely, and depend on Him. God is about righteousness. Seek the scriptures and remove all doubt.

“Then Comes Joy”

When God first come to us; we get afraid. But the angel said fear not for I bring good tidings to all people. God came to save us from our sin. Jesus was the only baby that was found in a manger. This was because he was humbled and He was Jesus. Jesus is about bringing peace to us which will make us have good will in our hearts toward all men. When God makes something known to you; go seek and find Him. After you find Jesus, go tell others and don’t be ashamed to say you are a Christian. Ponder and wonder over the Words of God. This means to meditate and keep it upon your hearts.

  “To Accept the Gift”

God so loved the world; he sent His only begotten Son. Whoever believeth in Him should not perish; but have everlasting life. Examine yourself and your thoughts for evilness. Those who live in darkness rather than light have evil deeds. We that do truth live in the light. The Lord came to save us. Examine yourself, remove all doubt, then comes joy to accept the Gift of Love.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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