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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Sun, Jun 26, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Luke 9:23-27, Matthew 25:31-46, and Revelations 22:14-17.  The topic was “Carrying Your Cross” with the following sub topics:

“The Sacrifice”

When you become a Christian, you become a disciple of Jesus. You must set aside selfish interest and follow Jesus. Take up His cross daily and expect to live like Jesus. Follow Jesus in everyday living. Sometimes you may have to suffer because you may be rejected by your friends. If you continue in sins you will have separation from God. If you lose your life for Jesus sake you will be saved. If you are ashamed of God; He will be ashamed of you.

“The Separation”

When we come together under God, He will separate us. The sheep will be on the right, a place of honor. Goats will be on the left, a place of rejection. The ones on the right side will inherit the kingdom. These are the one who accepted the living water, accepted the strangers, clothed the naked and visited the sick and the in-prison. Those on the left will be cursed into fire. They did not do anything for Jesus and they did not break the shackles of sins. Those people will go into everlasting punishment. If you are in right standing (the righteous) with God, you will go by His grace into eternal life.

 “The Invitation”

Blessed are those who looked into the mirror and wash themselves clean. These are the ones that do God’s commandments and will enter in through the gates of heaven. Those who are dogs, sorcerers, perverters, immoralist, adulteress, cheaters,… and all those who refused to change will be without and cannot get in. If you need directions and thirst for Jesus, Come to God and take the water of life freely.

Read the scriptures and be blessed!


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