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PASTOR JOHNSON'S 4th Sunday Message (July 24, 2016)

Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Jul 25, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Numbers 13:31-33 & 14:6-8, Joshua 3:10-17, and Hebrews 11:1, 5-10, 17-19.  The topic was “Faith Without Fear” with the following subtopics:


 “Over Coming Fear”

There is fear in man because we are scared. We have learned through Jesus Christ to be without fear. Never put yourself beneath anybody or belittle yourself. Always look at yourself equal to others. If God is with you, who can be against you? Trust in the Lord. How you look at your self is how others receive you. Walk with faith and let not fear overcome you. Don’t miss your blessings based on fear. God don’t bless the disobedient; only the obedient. If the Lord is with you, why should we fear? Know the Lord is with you and put on the whole armor of God and be obedient to His words.


“Seeing is Believing”

A righteous person had to carry the ark of covenant. The priest took the ark of covenant and the ark represented Jesus. God stopped the water which represented troubles. The priest (the righteous) that bared the ark was able to stand firm on dry ground.  We can stand firm on dry land and not be afraid too if we have Jesus with us.


 “Believing by Faith”

Faith is something you cannot see but you know it is coming. Enoch was translated by faith. Enoch pleased God. Without faith you can’t walk or talk with God. You must believe and seek him always for directions and guidance. Sometimes God take you to a place, where you don’t know. Have faith that God will be there. Don’t look at yourself as a grasshopper beneath others. Abraham had no fear. We don’t have to fear in our lives. Fear doesn’t have to overcome us; we can overcome fear. Put all your trust in Jesus. Take fear and throw it out the window and put your faith in Jesus. Be still and don’t fear what tomorrow is going to bring. Accept it as God’s will. Jesus is there for you and is the most valuable thing in your life. 

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!

   Discussion: PASTOR JOHNSON'S 4th Sunday Message (July 24, 2016)

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