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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Feb 29, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Mark 5:3-20, Romans 1:18-20, 26-32, and Romans 6:17-23.  The topic was “The Possession” with the following subtopics:


 “Alive, Yet Dead”

Evil spirit dwells inside of each of us down within. When you see Jesus in your life run and worship Him. The devil wants to steal, kill and destroy you. Sometimes when you change your ways, people are afraid of you. They are afraid you may look down on them and they don’t want to be around you. Never be afraid of change. Never get comfortable with sins. You should do what Jesus wants you to do. If God has done anything for you, go and tell everybody that God saved you. That is your responsibility to tell how God saved you from destruction.


“Are You Alive or Dead”

We push the truth of God from us; but God has put it in our heart. We have seen great things. We will have no excuse on judgement day. We praise and love material things; but we don’t want to praise the Lord. Sometimes we want even acknowledge Him. When we give up God and continue with our evil ways; God will sometimes give us up and let us continue with our evil ways. God Words do not change. His Words stay the same.


 “Choose Life”

All that is sitting here have made a change. We are free from sin and have become slave to righteousness and holiness. You don’t do the evil things you use to do.  Your life is now lined up with Jesus. You are changed from the inside to the outside. You are free from sin and have the fruit of holiness. This leads to everlasting life. Gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Acts 3: 19 means change your minds and attitudes. Psalm 15:1 means anyone who live a blameless life can abide in Lord’s tabernacle and dwell in His holy hill.


Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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