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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Apr 4, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from John 1:12-13, Romans 8:10-17, and 1 John 3:3-11.  The topic was “God’s Children” with the following subtopics:

 “The Will of God”

It is the will of God that you are present today. God gave them power to become the Sons of God. In order to do this you must believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are very special to God. The Lord wants you be a light to others. You are a child of God with responsibilities.


“Receive Us the Holy Spirit”

We must receive the Holy Spirit. If Christ is in you the body is dead and your sin is brought under control. Your spirit of life becomes righteousness. You will live a Christian life. You do not have to be debtors to your flesh (sin). We do not owe our flesh anything but we owe Jesus everything. To live after the flesh, you will die. To live through the Holy Spirit and to bring under control the flesh is to live. Sin should not control you anymore. When you are able to acknowledge who you are (a child of God), your spirit will connect with God’s spirit. If you cannot truly do the righteous things, your Spirit is not connected with God through Jesus Christ. If you are not there, you should work like an angel to get righteousness and be children of God because Satan is working against you.  We have to bear the cross with Jesus. We have to suffer with Him and we will be glorified with Him.


 “To Stay Pure”

How do we purify ourselves? Study and make the Word of God a part of your life. Be like Jesus. Anyone who abides in Him will not sin. Jesus is not in you. Let no man lie to you. Those who are born of God will not sin. If you are truly a child of God, you will not sin. None of us are perfect, but we will not keep sinning over and over again. You are either going to do right or wrong. We must love one another. Whosoever does not do righteousness is not of God. Ask yourself am I a child of God? There are many things we have to work on in this life’s journey. Ask Jesus to help you find the way to eternal life.


Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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