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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Apr 24, 2017


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Exodus 27:20-21, Zachariah 4:1-6, Luke 11:33-36,  and Matthew 25:1-13.  The topic was “DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH OIL?” with the following subtopics:

 “The Flame”

The flame must be inside you. The tabernacle symbolizes you. The flame represents the Holy Spirit and it should never go out. You need the word continuously. Your flame should require you to hear the word continuously.


“The Lamp Stand”

Some of us are asleep and we need to wake up before it is too late. We need to wake up by hearing the Word of God and lean not to our own understanding. You are or should be a golden lamp stand in the house of the Lord. As a golden lamp stand you have to have a supply of oil to keep that flame (Holy Spirit) going continuously. Your continue supply of oil should be the Word of God. If you are not getting this, the flame will go out. We must as a Christian stay in close contact with the Lord in order for your flame to keep on burning. We can’t do anything for ourselves. Our power and strength come from the Lord. The words of God have to continue to flow within your heart by reading the word, be around other Christians, and sharing the Word. The oil represents Jesus Christ

“The Oil within You”

You have to be a lamp where others can see. Others are watching. The Lord made us a lamp to use us for an example to the world. We have Christ standards to live by so the world can see you. The eye is the lamp of your body. When the eye is clear (spiritually perceptive) and focused on the Lord, the whole body is full of light. When the eye is bad (spiritually blind), your body is full of darkness. You do not have any oil (Word of God) flowing in you.  You are devoid of God’s word and have a blockage. Be careful and do not fool yourself to make sure the light in you are not darkness. Your light needs to shine brightly so the world can see Jesus Christ in you.

“The Foolish”

Ask yourself are you foolish? Do we have enough oil flowing in you? Are you thoughtless, silly and careless or are you far-sighted (making preparation for the journey) practical and sensible? You want to make it in the kingdom of Heaven and not run out of oil. Be wise and have extra oil. Don’t be foolish and not have enough oil. Everyone has to have enough oil for himself. You can’t borrow some oil from another. Develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. Make preparation as you come to church. Be prepared and ready to meet the Lord. Are you connected to Jesus Christ? Are you studying his Word and walking by faith? God is depending upon you to be a lamp. Let the oil of His Word flow within you.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!

   Discussion: PASTOR JOHNSON'S 4TH SUNDAY MESSAGE (4.23.2017)

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