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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Jul 24, 2017


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Matthew 5:17-32, John 8:31-32, Romans 2:12-16, 5:20-21; and Romans 6:1-7.  The topic was “Free From Sin? Free From the Law” with the following sub topics:

“What You Think! What Jesus Says”

The law is not going anywhere until our hearts change. The law is not going anywhere until all things are done right. Unless your righteousness is upright on the inside and on the outside, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever harbor malice and murder in his heart shall be guilty before God. If you demean or talk about your brother; you are on your way to Hell. Before you present your offering (body/temple) at the altar, clean it up. If your right eye makes you sin; tear it out. Remove yourself from the source of temptation. It is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body than for your whole body to go into Hell.

 “The Truth Will Set You Free”

The truth will set you free from the penalty of sin. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable, but it will set you free.

 “Still In Effect”

It does not matter if you have not heard or read the law, but it is those who actually obey the law will be justified. Do instinctively the things the Law requires. You know right from wrong. God will judge you according to Jesus Christ on the inside and outside. Check your moral essences to make sure you are right on the inside and outside. The law tells you if you’re right or wrong. You know in your heart if you are right or wrong. God is willing to forgive if you acknowledge your sins and repent. This is Jesus, grace, and mercy. If you are not willing to become righteous; you still fall under the law. Sin brings death (Hell).

“Believers Are Dead to Sin, But Alive to God”

We certainly should not continue in sin and practice sin. Sin will destroy you. We were baptized into Christ and into His death. We were buried with Jesus and were raised through the power of God and have a new life. We have become one with God. Our old nature without the Holy Spirit was nailed to the cross with Jesus Christ. Those of us who have died with Jesus have been freed from the sin.

Read the scriptures and be blessed!

   Discussion: PASTOR JOHNSON'S 4TH SUNDAY MESSAGE 07.23.2017

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