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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, May 8, 2017

"WISDOM OF BELIEVING" Proverbs 8:25-36, John 1:1-13, 1st Cor 1:20-31

Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Proverbs 8:25-36, John 1:1-13, and 1 Corinthians 1:20-31  The topic was “Wisdom of Believing” with the following subtopics:

 “He was With God”

God created mankind. You belong to God. Nothing you have belongs to you. Listen to God’s instructions. When you are outside of God’s instructions, you are lost. If you miss God and don’t have him in your life; you are hurting yourself. Those who refuse God love death. Those who turn away from God and don’t follow His instructions will have death. We find God’s instructions by studying and obeying His Words.


“He was God”

Christ was the Word of God. He has always been alive and is God. Eternal life is found in Christ. We have to accept Jesus Christ in order to have eternal life. Light is the righteousness we find in Jesus Christ. Men live in darkness. We must come through the true light, Jesus Christ. Everyone that is born in this world has the opportunity to come to this True Light, Jesus Christ. When you live in the darkness, you are a part of Satan’s community. Those who received Christ, have the right to become children of God. Those who believe this must be reborn from the will of God.

“Who Will Believe”

Do we believe the World or the Bible?  The Jews want a sign and are offended. The Gentiles say the Word is nonsense. God opened the eyes of all who were called and chosen to salvation. Jesus brought the salvation that saves you. God is his weakness (dying on the cross) is stronger than any man. Jesus Christ is the only one that can save you. Jesus made us acceptable to God. No one can boast about anything other than what the Lord has done.


Please read the scriptures and be blessed!

   Discussion: PASTOR JOHNSON'S 1ST SUNDAY MESSAGE (5.7.2017)

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