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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Apr 3, 2017


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Leviticus 26:36-42, Isaiah 41:9-10, Joel 2:12-14,  and 2 Timothy 1:7-10.  The topic was “FEAR, TREMBLING, AND HOPE?” with the following subtopics:

 “The Cause of Fear. Sin”

We have rejected God and God will reject us. If you are not living God’s way, you are living wrong. God will not lower His standards for us. There was constant fear in the distant lands. They could not stand before their enemies. We cannot stand before our enemies without having Jesus in you. Once you walk outside of God’s will; you are against God and God is against you. He will bring you into the land of your enemies. You will be punished for your sins because we rejected God. Once our hearts are humbled, God will remember promises made to Abraham, our  Father of faithful.


“God Removes Fear”

God chose you to be here; just like He chose Israel. He chose you for a special responsibility. He chooses you to be a light and a vessel so that others can see Jesus in you. You have a graved responsibility. Be a light where Jesus can shine. Because God has chosen you, all fear should be removed. God will strengthen you. Study God’s words. This is where you will find your strength and help on your Christian journey. God will uphold and sustain you on the journey.

“When We Turn To God”

Turn to God now while it is time. Tomorrow is not promised. God wants all your heart. He wants you to come with fasting, weeping, and mourning with a contrite heart. Do not front with God. Tear at your hearts. Return to God. He is gracious and merciful.

“For The Spirit of Hope”

Our hope is in Jesus Christ. We should pray, guide and love others. Stir up our inner power (Holy Spirit) and be not afraid to tell others about our Lord.  Whatever you do be ready to suffer with the Lord and he will give you strength in your suffering.  Jesus Christ broke the power of death and showed us the way to everlasting life. This is something to share with others.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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