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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Mar 28, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Psalms 51:1-10, Ezekiel 36:26-31, and Colossians 2:6-14.  The topic was “A Clean Heart Giving Praise” with the following subtopics:

 “The Admission”

David had sex with a married woman, Bathsheba. We have all done wrong. David said have mercy upon me because he knew he had done wrong. God is a forgiving God and David knew this. God will have mercy on you. We are born with sins and shaped into iniquities by your surroundings. What we think is right is wrong. What we think is wrong is right. The world is turned upside down. You have to go inside yourself and see what you really are and where you are on this life journey. Ask God to clean you up because you cannot do it alone. You have to have a clean heart. You have to love everybody. We must put the work of God in us to make us over into a clean heart. We have a right clean spirit and an evil spirit. We want God to renew (correct) a right spirit in us. God want us to have only a holy spirit within us. Evil spirit dwells inside of each of us down within.


“The New Heart”

God will take your stony heart and make a new heart of flesh. You can only get a new heart through the Word of Christ. God will save your from all uncleanness’s. You have study his words and found yourself approved. If you live according to God’s way, he will take care of you. You will not be without. Jesus will provide for you. Never forget where you came from and how God changed you.


 “The Cross, The Praise”

Walk in Jesus. Be willing to forgive. Be established in Jesus and faith. Don’t let anyone tell you anything that is not right or line up with God and is not in the Bible. You will be complete in God with all righteousness.  He will create a clean, forgiving, compassionate, and kind heart within you. Everything we have done and every sin we committed; Jesus nailed it to the cross. Hear His Word, Hear His ways, and follow Jesus home to eternal life.


Please read the scriptures and be blessed!

   Discussion: PASTOR JOHNSON 4TH SUNDAY MESSAGE (03/27/2016)

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