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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Tue, Jun 9, 2015


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Luke 11:1-4, Matthew 28:18, John 14:13-15 and Matthew 5:41-48. The topic was “Prayer” with the following subtopics:

Pastor Johnson started his message on this Youth Sunday giving us three important words to remember. They are Moral Standards (Do not do anything you have to hide), Integrity (Do the right thing anywhere you are, in church or out of church), and Honor (ability to do and stand for what is right).

 “How to Pray”

Prayer is direct communication with God. You need a certain place without distractions to pray. Lord was asked by one of the disciples to teach him to pray. Jesus proceeded with the prayer. Hallowed be thy name means His name is holy and we acknowledge who He is. Thy kingdom come. We want the earth to be the same as in heaven. Give us our daily bread. Give me what I need and nothing beyond. Just as God forgave us, you are to forgive others. Ask that you be not led into temptations but be delivered from evil.

“With Power”

How do we pray with power? All power was given to Jesus Christ. You must recognize that Jesus died on the cross for us. If you love God and obey His commandments, you do not have to worry about your prayers being answered.

 “In the Name OF JESUS”

When you ask in His name, God will do. God will give you what you need.  God must be glorified in the son. You must recognize that Jesus died on the cross for us. If you love God and obey His commandments, you do not have to worry about your prayers being answered.

“With Love”

If a person put a burden on your shoulder and ask you for something give them twice as much. You should love your enemies and not hate them. Bless those who curse you and pray for those that use and persecute you. We are to help the just as well as the unjust, the saved and unsaved, the sinners and Christians.  If you only help Christians, what good or reward is that? Be perfect (blameless) and strive for perfection as your Father in heaven is perfect. We have a responsibility to our children and others. Christianity is not about you but about helping others. Let your light shine. Pray and stay connected to Jesus Christ.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


   Discussion: PASTOR JOHNSON 1ST SUNDAY MESSAGE (6/7/2015)

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