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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Feb 8, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Genesis 22:1-14, John 3:16-21, and Romans 12:1-2  The topic was “The Obedience, The Sacrifice, The Example” with the following subtopics:

 “He Was Willing!”

Moses was obedient to God. Abraham was willing. God test Abraham. God told Abraham to take his son and make him a burnt offering (kill him). Abraham started the next morning without any questions and did what the Lord ask him. Abraham believes that God could raise his son from the dead. He believed, trusts in, and relied on the Lord. His son, Isaac, did not say anything. He followed his father instructions. Abraham was ready and willing to obey God because he was given a command. Make sure nothing comes between you and God. God took a ram in Abraham’s son place. Abraham was willing.


“He Gave!”

God so loved the world, he gave his only Son so that we will have everlasting life. His son was sent to save us. You must believe in Jesus. Jesus sees everything we do. Anybody who practices evil does not like the light (Jesus).


 “Will You Give?”

Pastor begs you to hear the word of God and live according to God’s word. Don’t miss the mark and think the world has something to offer you. Everything here is temporary. Present your bodies as a living sacrifice unto God. Do not be conformed to this world. Follow Jesus. Be changed by the renewing of your mind through God’s word.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!

   Discussion: PASTOR JOHNOSN 1ST SUNDAY MESSAGE (2/7/2016)

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