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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Dec 28, 2015


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25, and Luke 2:8-20. The topic was “It’s Coming”.  

God gave us a sign saying a virgin will come and have a son named Emmanuel meaning “God with us”. He will refuse what evil and choose good. This was the sign.

Three hundred years later, this happened. Mary was espoused to Joseph and before they came together she was found with a child. Joseph being a just man put her away privily. God told Joseph in a dream to do not fear to take Mary as a wife. The child was conceived is of the Holy Ghost. In the dream, this son will be called Jesus and will save people from their sins. God was going to kill us all, but His son who brought grace and mercy saved us.

A Savior came. Heaven opened and the angel and multitude of heavenly host praising God and saying peace, good will toward men. Heaven will also open for you. You must have peace within you. If you are not connected to God through Jesus, you will have peace. The angels went away into heavens. There is a heaven. We all have the responsibility to read the word and take the word out. He that has ears let him hear and eyes let him see. We will be destroyed if we refuse to hear and see the word of God and continue in our sins. We all have to die. We will spend eternal in heaven or hell. It is all up to us. Don’t let Satan take your joy and peace. Don’t be fooled. To be with Jesus is better than anything that the world has to offer us.

Please read the scriptures, review the Church Covenant and be blessed!


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