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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Tue, Sep 6, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Romans 6:1-4, 12-14, 20-23, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, Colossians 1:12-14, and 1 John 3:9.  The topic was “A Changed Life in Christ” with the following sub topics:

“Buried and Raised”

The law, Ten Commandments, showed us what is sinning. You cannot continue to sin and expect God to continue to forgive you. Through baptism we have been buried with Christ. Don’t let sin control you. You have to make a decision to do what is good and right. Make a decision of justification and be sanctified. Then God can use you. Show God by your actions. You cannot let sin master you. Commit yourself to Jesus to obtain mercy and grace. God can then use you when you change your life and commit to Him.

“A New Creature”

If anyone in Christ be baptized with Holy Spirit and water and grafted in; you are a new creature. You have a holy spirit and an evil spirit. In the Holy Spirit, the old things and no morals will pass away. You have to make a decision to live a holy life. It is a work in progress; not something you can do overnight. Let your light shine so we can bring somebody else to Christ. We are Christ representatives. We are acceptable to Him.

 “Drawn from Darkness”

Give thanks to God. He has rescued us from darkness (sin). We are living in darkness when we don’t accept God’s way. We are saved by faith only. Your heart must be right. We prove to God by the way we live if we are right. Going to church and doing good things do not save you. Only your faith can save you. Only the righteous will see God. Christ became the sacrifice. We can repent and reconcile ourselves to God through Jesus Christ.

“Incapable of Sin”

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin. John 3:5 tells us except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.  No one born of God deliberately, habitually, and knowingly will practice sin. If you are born again, you will spiritually be transformed. You will not give into the flesh; but be in God and have a renewed spirit.

Read the scriptures and be blessed!


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