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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Jun 29, 2015

"Keys to the Kingdom"

Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Matthew 16:13-19, John 3:3-7, John 14:6 and Revelation 1:10-18. The topic was “Keys to the Kingdom” with the following subtopics:

 “Know Who Jesus Is”

The first thing you need to know Who Jesus Is for yourself. Jesus is the Son of God with all power. When you really know who Jesus is; then you will be ready to obey Him. Stand on God’s words. Once God’s words are within you and the foundation is laid down in your life, you will become the Rock (solid faith) like in Peter. We need to bind the sins of earth as in Galatians 5:19-21 and loose the love (Fruit of the Spirit) as in Galatians 5:22-23.

“A Change Must Come”

There is a Heaven and a Hell. Earth is where you dwell in. Man has to be born of water (a physical body) and you must be born of the Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God. When you are a born again a change must come. You must have a desire to change and work every day to achieve that change.

 “Seeking God through Jesus”

You must read and understand His Words. You have to live the life of God’s Words. Your light has to shine. If you are not a light that shine, you have no purpose. Your light must shine. Christianity brings upon a change. Jesus is the way and the truth. Your life should center on Jesus.

“The Beginning and the End”

Every church must be a light for Jesus. The church cannot be a light unless the people in it are a light. The building cannot save you. We should not live in fear but trust the Lord and not in self. God has the keys to Hell and Death. He has the key to Heaven. In order for Him to let you into heaven, you must live according to God’s Way.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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