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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Mar 23, 2015


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Matthew 1:21-23, Matthew 27:26-31, 46, 50, and Romans 3:23-31. The topic was “Believing” with the following subtopics:

 “He Came to Save Us”

Jesus came to save us because we could not save ourselves. The Bible was left as our instructions. You must believe what you read. We have a sinful nature and we have Jesus to fight those sins for us. God the Son left his thorn in Heaven and came down on earth to save us from our sins. He did not have to do this. God showed us the way. We can accept it or reject it.

“How He Saved Us”

They wanted to crucify the good person (Jesus) who came to save them and take Barabbas instead. What they did to Jesus was supposed to be done unto us. Jesus stood in our stead. They (the religious people in the church) stripped him, put on a scarlet robe, and planted a crown of thorns upon his head. They mocked and spit in His face. God took this, showed us the way, and kept humbled for us. This is the way we should be. Life got rough for Jesus and sometimes it will get tough for us; but God never will forsake us.

 “Through His Sacrifice”

Once you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, all your past sins are forgiven. We have been redeemed through the grace of Christ Jesus. Jesus became propitiation (sacrifice) through faith in His blood. The Lord through forbearance (keep waiting on us) declare his righteousness. Keep sin under control by studying the Bible, going to Sunday School, Bible Class and church. You are not saved by boasting about what you have done, you are not saved by obeying the laws or your good works. The only thing to get you in heaven is believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are saved by your faith.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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