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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Feb 27, 2017


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Genesis 40:12-23, Isaiah 49:13-15, John 3: 16-17, Luke 23:39-43, and Luke 22: 19-22.  The topic was “Have You Forgotten” with the following subtopics:

 “Don’t Forget Me”

The butler and baker had a dream. They asked Joseph what it meant. Joseph interpreted the dream. Some were good and some were bad. Everything is not going to go right in your life all the time. Go to Jesus. Man will forget about you. God will never forget about you.  

“God Will Not Forget”

The Lord will have compassion on you in your sorrows. Be joyful. Sometimes we wondered when things happened in our life, we think the Lord has left us. But never will the Lord leave you; even if Mother or Father forgets you. God will not forget you even in your worse time.

  “A Sacrifice to Remember”

Good looks past your fault and give you another chance. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. Whosoever believes him will have everlasting life. God did not send his son to condemn us but to save us. Only through Jesus Christ can the world be saved. You have to live a Christ like life. Love others like you love yourself.

One of the male hanging on the cross with Jesus asked Jesus to save thyself and us if He was Christ. The other man humbled himself and said we deserved to die for our evil deeds; but this man (Jesus) has not did anything wrong. The man asked Jesus to remember me when you go into Kingdom. And Jesus said you will be with me in paradise. This is because the man acknowledged who Jesus was and humbly acknowledged his own faults.

“Let Us Remember”

Remember that Jesus came and died for a wretch like us. If Jesus had not come; we would have been lost in our sins. Remember the sacrifice so we can be saved. Remember Jesus gave us eternal life. We should have been on the cross and suffered; but instead Jesus was nailed to the cross for us!

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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