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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Oct 3, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Hosea 9:13-17, Mark 11:13-14, 20-24, 1 Corinthians 5:7-13, and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18.  The topic was “No Fruit” with the following subtopics:

 “Because of Sin”

We let our children go out execute each other. We are not disciplining our children. We are not teaching them. We are letting Satan and the world teach them. Give them no discipline but give them wickedness. Are we listening to God?


“Because We Believe”

The tree represents Christianity; green on the outside and have nothing on the inside. The heart is not right. You have to have faith in God constantly. You cannot doubt God. Believe in the power of God. Ask anything to God in prayer. Trust and believe He will take care of it.


 “Let Us Stay Pure”

Let us stay pure. Clean out the old sin. Look into yourself and remove sin and become a new creature in Christ. When you accept Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior, you have turned away from sin. You cannot serve two Gods. Serve the Lord with sincerity and truth; not with malice and wickedness. You should not associate with so-call Christian brothers that associate with anything that takes the place of God. Associate with moral people and not immoral people. Judgement is going to start in the church.


“In the Christian Life”

Do not eat with unbelievers. You can’t hang with others that don’t believe in Jesus. You have nothing in common with them. The righteousness has no partnership with the lawlessness. What do you have in common with darkness when you are living in the light? Darkness has a way of pulling you in. Light and darkness do not mix. You cannot serve two Gods. You either going to be a Christian or not a Christian. You will either bear fruit on your fig tree or not bear fruit.


In reference to Matthew 7:17-18, by their fruit you will recognize them. Have some fruit on your tree by studying, understanding and applying the Word of God. Love everybody and take on the character of Jesus. Separate yourself from evil and sin.


Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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