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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Tue, Sep 5, 2017


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Psalm 18:33-36, 1 Peter 1:3-7, Psalm 66:10-19, and 1 Peter 4:12-14. The topic was “The Test” with the following subtopics:  

“God’s Assurance”

When trouble comes in my life, God assurances me He will stand firmly with me. God’s assurance is based on your faith. God has given us the shield of your salvation. If you can depend on the Lord, you want hit rock bottom. He will sustain you and uphold you. His words sustain your step. His words teach you that your tongue will let you slip. God will make your steps secure and keep your feet from slipping.

“By Tested Faith”

You have hope when you come to church. There is hope if you line your life up with Christ. God will not let sin in Heaven. In Christ, you should be a new creature. Those who are born a new will enter the Kingdom of God. We are being pushed forward (garrisoned) by God’s power through your faith. We are being pushed to the kingdom and inherit eternal life by your faith. We are all going through something in this life. These experiences in life are a test. We cannot change anything. Accept your trails as a purpose to learn and depend upon God and grow stronger in faith. One day all our suffering and temptations will be over. God will test our genuineness of your faith. Trust God to take over every aspect of your life. Trust Him to know that He is in control.

 “Proved By God”

The Lord brought us into wealth and great abundance in the end. God wants you. He wants us to sacrifice and he wants your righteousness. Do we reverence the Lord? Do we put Him first in our life? God will not hear you until you have confessed your sins. He will hear and listen to your prayer if you confess your sins.

“To Have God’s Favor”

Everything you go through is a test to test the quality of your faith. You will suffer for your faith or be rejected because of your faith. Stay with Jesus and you will be blessed with His glory. The Holy Spirit of God will be resting and indwelling within you. This will show in all of your actions. Your character inside you will be Christ like. In order to be like this, you need to hear, read, and understand God’s Words and do what it says.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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