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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Tue, Feb 3, 2015

"UNDERSTANDING GOD'S WORD" (To the Children on Youth Day)

Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Deuteronomy 21:18-21, Proverbs 1:7-15, Mark 10:19-21 and 1 Timothy 5:1-2. The topic was “Understanding God’s Word” with the following subtopics:

 “God’s Law”

When your Mother & Father tell you not to do something it is for your good. If you don’t listen to Mom & Dad, God said to lay hold on him. Back in the day and Old Testament, they did not care about feelings. Stubborn and rebellious children would be stone to death. God works in mysterious ways. Just because you are young does not mean God will not punish or kill you. You must be respectful and honor your parents or your days will not be long.

“God’s Expectation”

The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord. You do not want to fall in the hands of an angry God. A fool despises wisdom and instructions. Listen to your parent’s instructions and advice. Don’t make the same mistakes that they made. Wisdom that you get from parents will keep you in line and keep you out of trouble. Don’t follow anybody but Jesus. Be a leader and don’t let peer pressure push you into anything. If you don’t work, you will steal. If you steal, you will go to jail. Don’t follow anybody who will lead you to do the wrong thing. Enjoy this world and be the best you can be!

 “God’s Guidance”

Keep the commandments. Do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, and do not bear false witness (do not lie).  Defraud nobody (beat somebody out of money). Honor thy Father and Mother. Do what is right and good will follow you.

Respect and Love

Respect your elders. Treat the elder mother as mother and younger as sisters. Treat each other right. Treat all in church respectfully. It takes a village to raise a child and the village starts right here in the church.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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