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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Dec 4, 2017


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Numbers 25:1-13, Psalm 69:9-14, and Romans 10:1-10. The topic was “A Zeal for God” with the following subtopics:


“The Zeal”

A zeal for God means every aspect of you is connected to God. The Bible said not to be unevenly yoke. If a person does not have a zeal for God; leave them alone. They will and can pull you into something; you do not realize you are into and don’t want to be involve. The Lord anger is hot against His people. We should not put anything before the Lord. This is an insult to the Lord. We tend to do what we want to do instead of what God tells us to do. If you have a zeal for God, have the courage to stand up for God and do the right thing. We all have the responsibility to tell someone about the zeal of God. Let nothing stop you from having a zeal for God.

“The Adversaries”

Get from around folks that will temp you to do things that are wrong.  Psalm 69:9-14 Living Bible (TLB) reads: My zeal for God and his work burns hot within me. And because I advocate your cause, your enemies insult me even as they insult you. How they scoff and mock me when I mourn and fast before the Lord! How they talk about me when I wear sackcloth to show my humiliation and sorrow for my sins! I am the talk of the town and the song of the drunkards. But I keep right on praying to you, Lord. For now is the time you are bending down to hear! You are ready with a plentiful supply of love and kindness. Now answer my prayer and rescue me as you promised. Pull me out of this mire. Don’t let me sink in. Rescue me from those who hate me, and from these deep waters I am in.

 “The Salvation”

Pick up the Bible. Always study to show yourself approved. Know about God’s righteousness (based on faith) and not your righteousness (based on works). Righteousness based on faith produces a right relationship with Him. The Word is in your heart. Acknowledge and confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved from death and will be given eternal life. You can not fool God. Do not try to manipulate God. You must believe in your heart. Show that you are a child of God. Let everyone see Jesus in you.  Show that you have a zeal for God.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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