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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Nov 27, 2017


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Matthew 9:27-31, Luke 7:11-17, Matthew 15:30-31, and Revelation 3:17-22. The topic was “What Only God Can Do” with the following subtopics:  

“I Must Tell”

Ask yourself, do you believe with a deep abiding trust? Jesus said you must trust, rely and depend on Him. You have to trust in Him completely according to your faith. Whatever you ask; ask in the Name of Jesus. Live for Jesus. Whatever Jesus does; it is His will. Trust in Him with all of you. Believe what Jesus is capable of doing.

“God’s Great Power”

Whatever we go through in life; Jesus has compassion. Jesus came in human world and He knows what we go through. He worked many miracles on this earth to show us the Truth. He gave us eternal life. Our love ones are waiting for us. We have to walk by faith to get there. Your life has to be according to what was written in the book; not your righteousness, but God’s righteousness. Spread the good news everywhere.

“Will Help in Time of Need”

Those who don’t know God, we should encourage them to come and fall on their knees. Your life style has to be what it should be. Your light has to shine. People are looking for perfection. When you say you are a Christian, everyone needs to see Jesus in you. We need God; God does not need us.

“All Ways Seek God’s Will”

When we were in the field, we went to church. Now that we are blessed with so many material things, few go to church. When you come to church, bring love not hate. The more Jesus you have the richer you are. Put on righteousness, so your sin will not be seen. Without Jesus you are naked. Clothe yourself with righteousness (Jesus Christ). Some of us still have scales on our eyes because we refuse to see what is right. Repent and change your inner self. Change your way of thinking and behavior. Seek God’s will. Most of us know the way but we refuse to take it. The Lord continues to stand at your heart and knock. All who hear His voice let Him in and He will restore. All who overcomes, God will grant you the privilege of eternal life. Listen to what the spirit is saying to your heart. Seek and search the word to fight and stand against Satan.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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