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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Sun, Apr 24, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Romans 8:1-10, 1 Corinthians 15:12-22, and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. The topic was “Believing the Journey” with the following sub topics:

“Choosing the Holy Spirit”

The flesh controls you when you are in the world. Walk after the Holy Spirit. There is not condemnation to them which are in Jesus Christ. Stay in the spirit to stay with God and not in the flesh. Jesus stayed here 33 years and never sinned. If Jesus could do it; we can do it also. Don’t let the flesh control you but let the Holy Spirit guide and control you in order to enter the Kingdom. A carnal mind is of the world against God and is Death. The spirit mind is life and peace. If you don’t have the spirit of Christ in you this means you do not belong to God; you belong to Satan. You have to be forgiving and without sin to be in the presence of the Lord. Righteousness leads to Spirit of Life. You need to have the Holy Spirit on the Journey.

“If You Believe”

How can we say there is no resurrection of the dead when Christ preached that He rose from the dead? Resurrection is our Hope. If there is not resurrection after death, preaching and going to church is in vain. Your faith is in vain. We should come to church because we believe in the resurrection and life after death. We are working for eternal life.

“The Good News”

Our hope is eternal life. God will bring with Him those who are sleep (never died) in Jesus. These people are already with Jesus. The dead in Christ (those who have to face judgment) shall rise first with voice of the archangel and the trump of God. Follow Jesus, live according to God ways. Be forgiving, forbearing, trusting, and caring for one another.  

Read the scriptures and be blessed!


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