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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Aug 8, 2016


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Jeremiah 18:1-6, Psalm 2:4-12, Romans 13:1-5, and Revelation 19; 11-15.  The topic was “The Word of God a Rod of Iron” with the following sub topics:

“Hearing God’s Word”

Jeremiah did not question God. He did just what God told him to do. And that is what we need to do. We are a vessel that has been broken by sin. Only Jesus can help and reshape us. He can make us what he wants us to be. You can’t be a Christian and continue to sin. God will always forgive you. You have an opportunity to repent. Base on your actions, God can change you. We have to show we are a Christian by the way we live. We have to be obedient to God. As Jesus work on your vessel, you have to open the door and let him in.

“Will Change our Lives”

When you try to do things your way, the Lord laughs. We have to have Jesus in us to change. Without him, we will never change. The Word of God is a rod of iron. This means that the Word of God never changes. The Word of God will shatter you. The Word will either drive or draw you. You should tremble at the Word of God. The way of the Christian is important. Don’t perish in the Christian way.

 “By the Power of God”

God put policemen in place. They are there for a reason and a purpose. God put the law and enforcers in place. Without them the world will be in chaos. Every law on the book comes from the Holy Bible. Do the right thing and you don’t have to worry or be afraid. The rod of God is put in place for those who refuse to obey His Word. There are consequences for disobedient to the law and God’s Word.  When you don’t have Jesus in your life, you will do anything.

“To a Life of Righteousness”

Jesus wages war on those who rebel against His Words. He will wear you out. Nothing will go right for you. We should wash your robe everyday trying to get right. The Word of God is a sword that will cut deep and tell you right from wrong. The Word of God does not change to benefit you and it does not bend. It is like a rod. Jesus will be the winepress standing between us and God against God’s wrath. Jesus will give you all the help you need if you repent and admit your sins. Your white horse is waiting on you in heaven. Prepare yourself everyday of your life to get yours.

Remember, hearing God’s Word will change our lives by the power of God to a life of righteousness!

Read the scriptures and be blessed!


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