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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Jun 21, 2021

Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 (NIV)

The emergency room doctor referred me to an orthopedist after I fell down a staircase. An MRI of my rotator cuff showed no tears, and I felt fine, but the doctor recommended a few weeks of rehab so I could gain range-of-motion strength. When I walked into the rehab facility- a room filled with people on crutches and walkers- I was convinced: Jesus, I don't belong here! But the therapist ordered stretching exercises and ultrasound treatments, and I reluctantly got started.

I hurried through my exercises and left. I really didn't belong. I felt just fine! As I hustled out, I ran into Sue, my old tennis coach. She was there for shoulder rehab but mentioned her recent bout with breast cancer, so I promised to pray for her. The next day, while icing my shoulder, I sat next to Edmond, who was recovering from knee replacement. We had taught at the same high school years before and enjoyed reminiscing.

Later in the week, I exercised near Carol, a woman whose friend was in hospice. She was caring for her friend's two cats and knew nothing about cats, but ai did. I gave her advice about food and cat care. During my ultrasound treatment, my technician Beth kept wiping her eyes. I asked whether her allergies were bothering her, but she said, "No, today is the one-year anniversary of my son;s death. I should be over it by now.A" Having lost a son myself, I was able to reassure her that when grieving the loss of a child, a year was not time at all. We hugged and cried. Thank You, Jesus. Maybe I did belong here after all. - Pat Butler Dyson

Faith Step: Trust Jesus to place you right where you need to be.




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