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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Thu, Aug 19, 2021

John 17:13

I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them. John 17:13 (NIV)

Happiness is a response to what's happening to and around us, but joy comes from within.

I found it especially refreshing because the perspective came from a person who lives and works in a cultural atmosphere that seems to consider happiness the goal of work, relationships, food, hone, marriage and divorce. If happiness is absent, joy doesn't stand a chance in that environment. Or so it is assumed.

But true joy is the "full measure" of the joy of Jesus within us. Jesus established a different standard for joy. He knew few human comforts, frequently not even having a place to rest his head. His ministry necessitated He walk many miles to get to those who needed Him. Many mocked Him. Few thanked Him adequately when He went out of His way to help or rescue them. And we haven't even tapped into the abuse, the betrayals, the torture, the beatings, His crucifixion.

He's the One who proposed I could know inexpressible joy, His joy. And that stirs a passion in me to dig deeper into Scripture to discover how the life-altering concept of joy weaves its way through the most important teachings in the most important Book. - Cynthia Ruchti

FAITH STEP: Write the word joy upside down in your nondominant hand. Hard, but possible. Jesus taught that even when life is upside down, joy is recognizable.

   Discussion: "JOY COMES FROM WITHIN"

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