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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Wed, May 5, 2021

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 (ESV)

My Mom was right when she said. "You never stop mothering." Even as a mother of adult sons. I'm tempted to manage them, but I know I need to let them figure out their own lives. Especially as they struggle with adult issues such as heartbreak, career choices, and financial needs.

As I let go of interfering, which can stunt their growth, I focus my energy on prayer. One morning when they were teens and I was discouraged, I discovered a new way to pray for them. I searched the Psalms in hopes of finding something inspirational. That morning, praying the Psalms felt as if I was praying only for myself: I know God is my refuge, and He holds my right hand. I cried out, "I don't care about me right now. I care about my kids. Show me how to pray for them." I feel the same today.

Then I thought, If I believe Jesus is who He says He is, then can't He do for me what He did for others when He walked on earth? I searched for encounters in the Bible of parents who approached Jesus for help. I found several, including a ruler, two mothers, and a father. Their prayers expressed my own feelings. I immersed myself in these stories and imagined myself face to face with Jesus, making requests on behalf of my children.

I experienced His healing words and comfort in a new way. Today I'm still praying this way for my sons as they struggle through hard times. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so I know He's able to handle all of my concerns. And thankfully, He hears my prayers. - Jeannie Blackmer

Faith Step:  Imagine yourself face to face with Jesus. Talk with Him about specific concerns for your own children or a friend's child.


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