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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Dec 1, 2014


Pastor Johnson’s message came from Matthew 5:42-48, Romans 12:9-21, and James 5:15-18. The topic was “Love and Prayer” with the following subtopics:

 “Showing Love”

We all need two things in our heart:  forbearance and forgiveness. Give to him that asks. Love thy neighbor and look past their faults even if they are wrong. Love your enemies and pray for them. God loves us in spite of what we have done. We too have to love others. The sun rises on the evil and good. It is no good to just love people you like. You have to show love to all.

“Giving With Love”

Don’t fake your love. Cling to what is good. Stay from around evil. If you have it, give your brothers what they need. Do not be jealous of others. Rejoice with others. Go through and share others burdens with them. Be a shoulder to cry on. Never think you are better than others. Pray and thank God for what you have and give others a helping hand if you can. Don’t get evil with anybody. Let the Lord fight your battles. The Lord will repay. Overcome evil with good. This is Thanksgiving. We are supposed to be closely knitted together.


Let us pray for others. Confess your faults one to another. God will hear a righteous prayer. Give your problems to Jesus.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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