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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Mon, Nov 24, 2014


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Ezekiel 43:10-12, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, and Revelations 3:20-22. The topic was “The Body is the Temple” with the following subtopics:

 “The House”

The body houses the spirit inside you. Show that the church is a holy place on holy ground. You should be ashamed of your sins when you come to the House of the Lord. When you come to the House of Lord, you meet Jesus and believe in God. You hear God’s words and look for a change in your life. Ask for forgiveness. The fashion is on the inside and the form is on the outside. The fashion should make you love your enemies. The form wants to do one thing; but the fashion makes you do the right thing. Pray for those that dislike you. You should be holy, walk holy, and talk holy. This is the law of the House.

“The Place”

Do you know your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost? We belong to God, not your own. We should have a desire to live a holy life. If we do not; we should pray and ask what’s wrong. Nothing on this earth is more important than your soul salvation and eternal life. The Holy Spirit has to abide in you.

 “The Change”

If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. You cannot remain the same. Old things are put away. You start living according to God’s way. Once we understand the truth, we start living right. We reconcile to God. God forgives us and will give us grace and mercy. We are ambassadors (a Christian representative). Your lifestyle should let others see Jesus in you.  All of our sins were poured into Jesus Christ, who did not sin, so that we are made right with God.

The Knock

Jesus stands at the door and knock. It is not an easy journey to be with Jesus. If Jesus did it so can we. Jesus came to earth in human form just like us. When are we going to change our ways? When are we going to stop making excuses? Time is running out! Jesus is waiting and standing at the door.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!


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