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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Wed, Nov 30, 2022

Isaiah 29:13

These people turn toward me with their mouths, and honor me with lip service while their heart is distant from me, and their fear of me is just a human command that has been memorized. Isaiah 29:13 (CEB)

Those who "consider themselves" Christians because it seems the most fitting of the options-who see it as a label rather than a lifestyle, an affiliation rather than a life-altering commitment-may be among those referred to in today's verse.

They "turn" to Jesus the Lord, following Hin with their lips only, not their heart, mind, soul, and strength. Their reverence for Him is human wording they memorize rather than a heartfelt, "Jesus, I'm all in."

Can you imagine Jesus responding, "I didn't give My life to offer you access to a club or a free trail membership. I conquered death to give you real life. I invite you to follow Me on a wild ride of grace, trails, answers, questions, forgiveness, and hope-exposing you to the merciful heart of God. Come walk with Me into an unimaginable future, and after that, an even more unimaginable eternity"?

-Cynthia Ruchti-

FAITH STEP: Thank Jesus for His invitation to follow Him. Get specific.


   Discussion: FOLLOW JESUS

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