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Posted by: Shirley Smith on Tue, Oct 4, 2022

Ecclesiastes 3:1

To everything there is a season. Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV)

The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us there's a season for everything, and we see that truth reflected in the life of Jesus. Even in His short thirty-three years, He had different types of relationships, and people moved in and out of His life. Peter, James, and John were His inner circle, and then the twelve, although one of them betrayed Him. Mary, Martha, His mother, Mary, and Mary Magdalene were the women moist prominent in His life. Then there were onetime encounters with individuals, as well as the multitudes He fed.

Relationships vary with seasons and stages of our lives. Sometimes we have control, but often we don't. Living in the moment, appreciating what has been, and trusting Jesus for the future is where peace lies. - GWEN FORD FAULKENBERRY

FAITH STEP: Mediate on the fact that like a tree, your roots are tapped into Jesus. He will nourish and sustain you through every season.


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