Posted by: Shirley Smith on Sun, Sep 7, 2014:


Pastor Johnson’s sermon came from Psalms 23:1-6, Luke 22:39-44, 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 and Hebrews 13:1-8. The topic was “God’s Comfort and Consolation” with the following subtopics:

 “Always There”

A shepherd is a protector that looks over his flock. Jesus is always there and He is always in your presence. He provides everything you need. Jesus led you through the trials and tribulations. When you are about to give up, Jesus becomes your rock to lean on and restores your soul. Jesus will lead you in the path of righteousness if you will follow Him. There are going to be ups and downs in your life; but Jesus will be right there with you. No need to fear. Jesus will comfort you if you lean and depend on Him. Jesus gives you everything you need. Where are you going but dwell in the House of Lord forever?

“To Comfort and Care”

Let us not forget that Jesus is with you. Pray that we not enter into temptation. Jesus went through things in life just like us. Jesus asked the Father to remove this cup from me. Trust God even until death.  Let God’s will be done and not your will. The Lord may not take agony away from you but He will strengthen you.

 “Through Tribulations and Despair”

God will comfort us through all our tribulations and we should comfort others in trouble. It is about helping others. You must have Jesus Christ in you to be able to comfort others. That is your responsibility as a Christians. If you are in the world, you cannot feel compassion. You can feel compassion only if you are in Jesus Christ. Whatever you go through it is not for you; but to help others. Let someone see the kingdom of Jesus Christ in you. Take the trophy off the shelf and make it medicine for somebody else. You have to be partaker of the suffering for being a Christian. Paul endured sufferings for Christ. Paul trusted in God and if he shall die he knew God would raise him from the dead. God will deliver you from whatever comes upon you. We need to pray for one another and not just pray for you.

“Jesus Never Changes”

Keep brotherly love in the church. Love one another. Be forbearing of one another. Be good to everybody. Remember those who are going through things. Remember God will never leave you or forsake you. We may leave God but He will never leave us. God stands there waiting for us to repent. We as Christians should not fear man. Stand on the Word of God. Jesus does not change; we may change.

Please read the scriptures and be blessed!

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